C Program To Find Greatest of the Two Number, Without Using If Else, With Ternary Operator "?"

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 /*In the following simple C program the user will be asked for 2 numbers, then the ternary operation (a>b)?a:b will calculate the greatest of the two entered numbers. The Bold text is the C Code here, & the comments are in normal font*/

#include<stdio.h>     //For Standard Input/Output Functions
#include<stdlib.h>   //For system("pause")
int main()
    int a,b,c;
    printf("enter two values(Add A Space As Separator):");
//Entering the 2 values
    c=(a>b)?a:b;                      //Calculation of the greatest of the 2 values
    printf("Biggest of the two value=%d\n",c); //Printing the biggest of the 2 values
    return 0;


C Program To Find Greatest of the Two Number, Without Using If Else, With Ternary Operator "?"
C Program To Find Greatest of the Two Number, Without Using If Else, With Ternary Operator "?"