C / C++ program to print the table for a particular number
/* The following C/C++ program will print the table of any number entered. The following program can be extended to print tables for 'n...
C++ program to copy a text file to another text file
/* “fstream" class is used for both reading and writing a file. So we need to copy the contents of a file into another file than we wi...
C / C++ Program to calculate element wise product of 2 arrays : element wise multiplication
/* The following C / C++ program require user to enter the elements of arrays having equal number of array elements. Equal number of array...
C / C++ Program to calculate element wise sum of 2 arrays : element wise addition
/* The following C / C++ program require user to enter the elements of arrays having equal number of array elements. Equal number of array ...
C / C++ Program to find the sum of elements from 2 array of integers
/* The following program will ask the user to enter the elements of the integer array & then will return the total sum of the array ele...
C / C++ Program For Entering Grade & Getting an Automated Remark Using If-Else statements : Grade Automatic Feedbacking / Remarking System
/* In the following C / C++ program we need to enter the grade, the student got in the exam & the program will give an automated remark...
C / C++ Program to find the Smallest number from the array of integers
/* The following C / C++ Program will find the smallest number among numbers in the integer array thus entered by the user. We have used ...
C / C++ Program to find the Largest number from the array of integers
/* The following C / C++ Program will find the largest number among numbers in the integer array thus entered by the user. We have used whi...
C / C++ Program Code To Remove Duplicate Elements From An Array Of Integers
/* The Program will first ask the user to enter the maximum limit of the array. Then the user is allowed to enter the array elements specif...
C / C++ Program that count lines, integers, lower case letters, uper case letters, special case letters, words, spaces, consonants & vowels in a paragraph.
/* The following C / C++ Program will count lines, integers, lower case letters, uper case letters, special case letters, words, spaces, c...
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