C / C++ Code / Program To Convert Kilometer Distance Into Miles

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    /* A program to convert (input) kilometers into miles. User is asked to enter the distance in kilometers & the program returns the corresponding miles value */
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std;
    int main()

        // Declaring and initializing the variable
        float k = 0;
        // Prompting the user for input (in km).
        cout << "Please input the number of kilometers you wish to be converted "
                "into miles."
             << endl << endl;
        cin >> k;

        // Display number of kilometers in miles.
        cout << endl
             << k << " kilometers is " << (k * 0.621371192) << " miles."
             << endl << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Screen Shot of the output of C / C++ Code / Program To Convert Kilometer Distance Into Miles
Screen Shot of the output of C / C++ Code / Program To Convert Kilometer Distance Into Miles